March 28, 2025

You love sports, and you love competition. But do you know the difference between rugby and American football? We often hear them talked about in the same breath, but the truth is that there are many distinctions between the two, and American Football and Rugby history. So, here you can read about rugby vs american football.

What is the difference between rugby and American football playing fields?

Rugby and American Football have several differences. American football, for example, is played on a rectangular pitch with four lines delineating the field. The field measures 100 yards by 53 yards. Rugby pitches, on the contrary, can be of varying sizes – from full-size fields measuring 100 m by 70 m (the International Rugby Board standard) to mini-pitch that is only 50 m by 30 meter.

What is the difference between rugby and American football ball dimensions?

Both sports have different ball sizes. The American football has an egg-like shape, measuring 11 inches in length and 22 inches around. A rugby ball also has an “egg”-like shape but measures 28 inches in diameter and 15 inches in length.

What is the difference between rugby and American football number of players?

The number of players per team is the biggest difference between American football and rugby. Rugby teams, unlike American football, can have up to fifteen players on their side. The size of a rugby team can vary between twenty and thirty players depending on the league level, rules and regulations.

What is the difference between rugby and American football scoring?

Rugby and American Football differ in the way they score points. You can score points in rugby by making a successful attempt (think of this as a touchdown), or by kicking the football over the bar. A successful try awards 5 points to your team, while a kick over the bar gives 2 points.

What is the difference between rugby and American football play time?

Rugby matches can only last 80 minutes, while American football matches can last three and a half hours.

Let’s get into rugby and football differences

If you’re a fan of either rugby or American football, it’s worth taking a moment to understand the similarities and differences between these two popular sports. In this article, I’ll give you an overview of the difference between Rugby and Football so that you can have a better understanding of each game.

By learning about both sports, you’ll be able to appreciate each for its own merits—and be more informed when talking about them. Ready for a crash course on rugby vs football? Let’s get started!

Is Rugby and Football The Same?

If two sports enthusiasts were to debate about “rugby vs american football”, there are many topics that could be discussed. Let’s start with the game dynamics.

is rugby and football the same

At a glance, rugby and American football may seem quite similar—there’s a ball, two teams, and the goal of getting to the endzone. But when you break it down, there are several key differences that make each sport unique.

In rugby, players can pass the ball forwards or backwards between teammates who run across a rectangular field in formation. This requires tactics and strategy while playing offence and defence. The objective is to bring the ball into the opponent’s endzone and also score points by kicking it through a goalpost situated atop goalposts at each end of the field.

American football is more intricate and complex with specific rules in place regarding what players can and cannot do while playing offense or defense. On offence, players may pass or run with the ball as they move downfield in an attempt to score points by carrying it over the goal line into their opponent’s endzone.

On defence, players must try to intercept passes or make tackles on opposing players in order to stop them from scoring points.

difference between rugby and football

Rules and Regulations of Football Game and Rugby

When it comes to the rules, rugby and American football couldn’t be more different. American football is much more structured and its rules are much stricter. In rugby, however, tackling and scrums are central to the game and there is far less structure.

To begin with, American football plays on an oval field while rugby players have only a rectangular field which they can use for their matches. Rugby also doesn’t divide players into offensive and defensive teams; both teams play together throughout the match.

The rules of American football also require 10 players to take part on each side at any given time, whereas in rugby the number of players can vary depending on the size of the field and other circumstances.

In addition, in American football, each team has four chances to move the ball a total of 10 yards or more in order for them to extend their chance at scoring a touchdown—in Rugby this does not exist as each player attempts to gain ground in order to reach the try line (the equivalent of a touchdown).

rugby and football differences

Finally, while American football games have multiple stoppages due to replays and timeouts, rugby rarely pauses during play unless there’s an injury or some other issue that requires it.

Difference Between Rugby and Football Playing Fields

What about rugby field vs football field? There are also several differences between rugby and American football. For one, American football is played on a rectangular field with four lines of demarcation that measure 100 yards long and 53 yards wide.

Rugby field dimensions, on the other hand, can vary greatly in size—from a full-size field measuring 100 meters by 70 meters (the International Rugby Board [IRB] standard) to a mini-pitch of just 50 meters by 30 meters.

rugby field vs football field

Difference Between Rugby and Football Ball Dimensions

How about rugby ball vs american football ball? The ball dimensions also differ between the two sports. An American football is shaped like an elongated egg—it measures 11 inches long and 22 inches in circumference—while a rugby ball features an “egg-like” shape but is slightly larger than an American football, measuring 28 inches in circumference and 15 inches long.

Difference Between Rugby and Football Number of Players

Perhaps the most obvious difference between rugby and American football lies in the number of players on each team. Whereas American football has eleven players per side on the field , rugby teams can have fifteen players on each side at any given time. As such, team sizes vary from twenty to thirty (or more) players in total depending on various league levels and rules .

Rugby vs American Football

Did you know that rugby and American football have a common ancestor but evolved into two entirely different sports? Here are some of the most striking differences between them.

Rugby Ball vs American Football Ball

rugby ball vs american football

The biggest differences between football and rugby are the shape, size and material of the ball used. A rugby ball is oval-shaped and is made from leather. While an American football is more prolate spheroidal in shape and made from sturdy plastic. Rugby balls are also slightly bigger than American footballs.

Rugby Scoring & Play Time vs American Football

The way teams score points can also vary drastically between rugby and American football.

In rugby, you score points by making a successful try (think of it like a touchdown). Or you score points by kicking the ball over the bar (like an extra point or field goal in American football). A try is worth 5 points, while a successful kick over the bar awards your team with 2 points.

On top of this, playing times also differ between these two games. American football match times can last up to three-and-a-half hours. While rugby matches may only last around 80 minutes with one 10 minutes half-time break in between.

scores table differences between football and rugby

Rugby Tackles & Rucks vs American Football

Another thing that sets these two sports apart from each other are the different types of tackles used. In American Football, tackling from behind or side wrapping of a player’s legs is considered legal.

Whereas in rugby players must use shoulder-to-shoulder tackles at waist level in order to stop their opponent from advancing any further downfield. After a tackle has been attempted in rugby, players then often come together for what’s known as rucks until play can be resumed.

Difference Between Rugby and Football Boots

The main difference between rugby and football boots is width, cut and heel.


Football boots are narrower and rugby boots are wider. There are several types of rugby shoe cut – low, mid and high. But football boots should be low cut.

difference between rugby and football boots


Almost all football boots are cut low around the ankle. Rugby boots can be in low, mid and high cut variations.


Also you can find Rugby and Football differences looking at boots heel. In the rugby heels are higher than football boots.


So, is rugby and football the same? As you can see, Rugby and American Football have some very different styles and components. It make them two distinct sports.

There is a certain level of physicality required for each sport, and that is part of the appeal of each. The field, equipment, and rules of each game are all different, leading to an exciting and unique experience. Also rugby ball vs football is quite different.

quite different players

Both sports have their own strengths and weaknesses. But they are both incredibly popular in their respective countries and have a loyal fan base. Whether you’re a fan of Rugby or American Football, there is no doubt that these two sports are both highly enjoyable and exciting.